Stores Across The World That Offer Unique Shopping Experiences
Shopping can easily get monotonous pretty quickly when you have to regularly go for groceries, clothes, and other necessities. In fact, many different stores seem almost the exact same in terms of products and layouts.
However, some stores have found a way to stand out from the crowd, like these ones.
A Little Stream Through The Mall

This shopping mall, called City Creek Center, is located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. A feat of mixed-use development, the mall contains an actual mountain stream that runs through it.

This shoe store, located in the city of Freiburg, Germany, decided to make moving to the lower floor a little more fun for customers. In fact, a few different places in Germany, including a university, had slides inside to maximize efficiency.
It Looks Like A Literal Home

This is The Apartment, a vintage decor and furniture store located in New York City. The items are displayed like a normal living space for customers to browse and pick through.
Finally Some Order For Carts

I would like for every store to have these parking spots so people don't leave their carts all over the place. This warehouse furniture store in Germany uses parking spots to keep things organized.
Kit Kat Lovers, Rejoice!

This is a gourmet Kit Kat Chocolatory located in Japan. In general, Japan has some of the most diverse and unique Kit Kat flavors, including baked potato and blueberry cheesecake.
Give The Shoes A Real Test Run

When it comes to outdoor sports like hiking and rock climbing, good grip can be the difference between life and death, so this trekking shoe store has a testing area for their hiking and climbing shoes.
The Hours Of This Clothing Store Are Bizarre

This clothing store, which is located in Hamar, Norway (about 130 km north of Oslo), has these particular and strange opening and closing times without there being any distinct reason for them.
Scoop Them Out Like Candy In A Bulk Bin

It makes sense since the Danes—LEGO originated in Denmark—love to maximize efficiency. Most LEGO stores there have these bulk bins to scoop out of and pay by weight, as well as stocking traditional sets.
Look Down!

This shop, which specializes in unique and intricate glassware and plates, was built over a very deep cavern. Rather than cover it up, the store owners put in a see-through floor so you can look straight down into it.
Turn Your Couch Into A Pasta Dish

At this store in Italy, you can buy seat cushions in the shape of ravioli or tortellini. In my opinion, sitting on a piece of pasta for the rest of my life doesn't seem like a bad idea.
That Makes Things Easy To Find

This grocery store uses balloons to mark where the different types of produce are on the floor, so it's easy to find and also accessible to people who cannot read.
Nice To Meat You!

This shop in Berlin, Germany, only sells stuffed toys, pillows, and blankets that resemble a variety of cured sausages and cuts of meat—you know, just in case you wanted to cuddle a bratwurst at night.
An Escalator Just For Carts

This Publix grocery store has two separate stories, so they installed an escalator specifically to transport customers' carts up to the top floor. This escalator design has become increasingly popular in parts of North America and Europe.
This Store Is Never The Same

Pictured here is "Story," a retail store in New York. Aside from its interesting appearance, what makes it really unique is that the store regularly redesigns, opting for an entirely new look with new themes and merchandise regularly.
This Is A Stunning Fish Tank

This cylindrical fish tank is located in the four-story Oceania mall in Moscow, Russia. It's actually the tallest cylindrical fish tank in the world and contains 900,000 liters of water.
Poop To Your Color Preference

This store in Paris, France, sells colored rolls of toilet paper. This might seem weird, but colored toilet paper was fairly common in the US from the 50s until the 70s, but it slowly disappeared from shelves in the 80s.
Die Hard Definitely Did Not Take Place Here

The grocery store photographed is a WinCo in Arizona. WinCo supermarkets, which are found in the western states, use inflatable tubes for their HVAC air ducts instead of the traditional metal ones.
I Guess They Really Like Purple

This boutique is literally named "The Purple Store" and only features purple furniture, decor, and retail items. The store is located in the heart of Seattle and is a popular tourist attraction.
I Seriously Hate This

I don't know why, exactly, but I find the idea of having carpet inside of a grocery store absolutely unbearable and wrong. This particular store is Sendik's located in Whitefish, Wisconsin.
Calling All Doomsday Preppers!

This place in Las Vegas is called the "Zombie Apocalypse Store" and contains supplies and merchandise devoted entirely to the zombie apocalypse. Pictured here are some "survival supplies" on sale for customers.