These Trail Cams Captured Some Unforgettable Images

Trail cams have become popular on the internet thanks to owners who have managed to capture some beautiful, strange, and often hilarious videos with help from their mounted cameras. From animals who have gotten themselves in some precarious situations to some natural wonders we'd likely never see by disturbing a natural habitat, these are some of the most unforgettable trail cam images the web has to offer.

Is That Winnie The Pooh?

bear helping a cub
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

We love bears because they look ferocious and they can often be ferocious but when it comes to their babies they are super sweet and overly protective.

This trail cam captured a mama bear as they picked up their cub to help them investigate something that was too tall for the little bear to reach. Spotting the loving relationship between animals and their parents in nature is one of our favorite types of trail cam wins.


Running For Their Life

stomping the fox
Photo Credit: Austin P/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Austin P/Pinterest

Oh, how the tables have turned. This fox probably didn't make it out before this deer stomped on it. This is what karma looks like in case you didn't know.


All those times the deer was the one with the short end of the stick, this time it struck back! The force from that deer probably packed enough kick to completely take out the fox if it landed. Apparently, even deers can be great hunters.


"So I Set My Deer Feeder High Off The Ground"

teamwork from the raccoons
Photo Credit: steffinator117/Reddit
Photo Credit: steffinator117/Reddit

This person set their deer feeder high off the ground so that the raccoons wouldn't be able to reach it. Well, they decided to show immaculate teamwork and get that food by any means necessary.


At least the owner of this deer feeder had set up a trail cam, or there wouldn't be a way to know that the deer wasn't the one snatching the food at night. We know some humans who can't manage this type of teamwork.


It's Time To Party

party deer looking at you
Photo Credit: FrS5t/reddit
Photo Credit: FrS5t/reddit

What, you didn't know deer like to have wild forest parties? This bunch looks revved and ready to have a bash, but the cam captured them in the middle of their celebration.


There are only a few things worse than having the party you're at getting interrupted for no reason. How would you react if you happened to run into this many deer in the forest as you're taking a stroll back to your cabin at night? It's beautiful but also terrifying.


This Owl Was On The Attack

attacking a deer in the forest
Photo Credit: TrailCamNation/Twitter
Photo Credit: TrailCamNation/Twitter

For whatever reason, this owl felt the need to attack the poor deer. Maybe the owl thought it was food, or maybe it messed with its nest; no matter the case, it wanted to strike.


You can imagine those sharp claws cutting deep into the neck of the four-legged creature. If there were after photos of this swipe, you'd surely see a very different trail cam photo you'd probably rather not witness. That owl wasn't messing around at all.


"My Trail Cam Caught Something Sinister Behind The House"

sinister find behind the house
Photo Credit: Dasbett/Imgur
Photo Credit: Dasbett/Imgur

If this was behind your house, would you call someone to get rid of it? This doesn't look like your regular raccoon at all. It almost seems like it has a cross on his head and that it could be possessed.


We're not going to lie, if this showed up on our trail cam we'd probably sell our house and move or refuse to hunt again on the land where we placed our trail cam.


Someone Needed A Selfie

raccoon stare at the cam
Photo Credit:reddit
Photo Credit:reddit

Who said animals don't know how to take selfies? This raccoon looks like it needed to update its dating profile for all the other animals out there. The deer in the back add to the ambiance, and it's lovely.


To be honest, this is probably the best selfie of an animal since that cat picked up its owner's phone and used two paws to take a picture of itself. This one will go down in history.


This Golden Eagle Looks Dangerous

fox lift from a eagle
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

If you ever spot a golden eagle in the distance, make sure you don't mess with it. Look how easily it swoops this fox off the ground like it was a piece of paper. Look at the wingspan of this thing and ask yourself if that's something you want flying in your direction.


Fun fact, in one Alaska town, children on their way to school started wearing helmets because of bald eagle attacks.


A Motherly Fox

fox feeding the babies
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

This Fox mom was caught during feeding time with her pups and we can't get enough of the look on her face as she keeps her pups safe and fed.


This is one of the most peaceful cam pictures we've seen captured, as it gets the essence of life up close and personal. Nature is amazing and sometimes we're privileged enough to see it in all its glory, up close and personal.


This Staring Cheetah

cheetah staring at camera
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

This Cheetah wandered in front of a trail cam, realized it wasn't a natural part of the landscape, and moved in for a closer look. The cheetah looks inquisitive but still very cautious about the object in front of its own eyes.


Notice how skinny the cheetah is in this photo, when you're engaged in all-out sprints for food, a lack of body fat is going to help you practically soar across an open space.


The 4th Of July Views

deer watching some fireworks
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Who doesn't love a good firework show? Even this young buck had to stop and catch some explosions before going back to their family. We've heard of a deer in headlights and now there's a deer in fireworks.


Next time you're celebrating the 4th of July just remember that a family of deer may be standing in a field, staring at the show in front of them, and probably confused beyond belief.


A Tiger In India Covered In Mud

tiger in mud in India
Photo Credit: jerseyplains/Reddit
Photo Credit: jerseyplains/Reddit

This Tiger is terrifying on several levels. First, Tigers up close are scary. Second, it almost feels like it was practicing its camouflage skills in an attempt to become an even better hunter.


He took a dip in the mud and continued on with the rest of his day. It almost looks like half of a tiger and half of a rhino with that mud on along the bottom of it! That actually sounds kind of awesome.


What's In The Barrel, Bud?

deer with barrel on head
Photo Credit: RIACH/reddit
Photo Credit: RIACH/reddit

You're probably not going to see a lot of deers carrying a barrel in their antlers but here we are. This is why it's important to discard of your trash properly to avoid hurting animals in the wild. This trail cam footage has been floating around the web since 2009 and people are still sharing it while sharing their own theories about how this deer got a barrel stuck in such a way.


Secret Kisses At Night

animals kissing in the dark
Photo Credit: Pinterest
Photo Credit: Pinterest

These two needed to get away from humans to find some alone time. There are bowls next to them, so that indicates someone cares for these cute little animals. Kissing like no one is around.


Not all trail cams capture wild animals, sometimes they just bring us sweet moments caught between domestic animals. We think these big cats may be cougars but it's a bit hard to tell in the light of a trail cam.


Who Knew Animals Called Ubers?

buffalo-uber- with a feline
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Melton/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Melton/Pinterest

This isn't the Uber we're used to using. It looks like this wildcat called in a buffalo to help it get across the land. The real question is, how much did it charge for the trip?


Seriously though, why does it look like a flashlight is being used in the background of this photo? Some of the trail cams we've discovered leave us a little bit confused with a lot of unanswered questions.


Set Up a Cam To Figure Out Why Deer Were Being Slain

mountain lions creep
Photo Credit: iFearGodsFollowers/Reddit
Photo Credit: iFearGodsFollowers/Reddit

This family had deer blood and parts popping up on their yard, so they decided to set up a cam. Much to their surprise, they saw the culprits, creeping through the night like Batman.


Good thing they never went outside while these cats appeared or things could've gotten bad real fast. Still, how will they make sure these felines don't come back and terrorize more helpless animals and leave behind their remains?


Running From A Flying Squirrel

deer running away from squirrel
Photo Credit: wabewalker/Imgur
Photo Credit: wabewalker/Imgur

Deers are very skittish and that's part of what keeps them alive when faced with predators in the wild. Sometimes, though, that skittishness ends up sending a deer scurrying away for funny reasons.


For example, this deer decided to practice its 40-yard dash after a flying squirrel began to float in its direction. Let's be honest, that thing does kind of look terrifying in the dead of night and we'd be running pretty fast too.


A Fight To The Finish

birds fighting in the air
Photo Credit: mctesh/Reddit
Photo Credit: mctesh/Reddit

Pay attention to the whole scene here. You have one bird flying away, trying to feel from the battle. Then, you have another little bird sitting off to the side, waiting for the fight to finish.


Meanwhile, two massive eagles fight over who gets the remains of that carnage on the ground. If you had to bet on one of them, which one would you pick to win? It looks like a heavy-weight battle.


Okay, This Is Creepy

creepy clown in the forest
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Why must people insist on being creepy? Also, why do some of the most terrifying things take place in the forest? The person dressed up in this clown suit probably has no fear of mountain lions or giant eagles because they would even freak out those animals.


On a positive note, when you dress up in that many bright colors you don't need to worry about a hunter mistaking you for a wild animal, although they might try to take you out just based on principle.


Well This Is A Weird Conversation

a matchup for a fight between porcupines
Photo Credit: Wade Mock/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Wade Mock/Pinterest

We're not really sure if this is a tense matchup between mortal enemies or a cute moment being shared by two animals in love. Maybe they are performing a secret porcupine ritual that wasn't meant to be seen by prying human eyes.


Whatever the case is, it isn't often you come across two porcupines like this, especially on a trail cam. And this is why trail cam pictures are so popular, they are almost always unique!


An All-Out Attack

Closing in one
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

This wolf doesn't care that it's outnumbered, it's going to get a meal by the end of this encounter. That's the circle of life and sometimes that circle looks pretty darn terrifying when caught on a trail cam.


By the end of this trail cam encounter, we are willing to bet there was one wolf who was no longer hungry after finishing their hunt and one less deer roaming around a forest.


The Hovering Deer

hovering in the woods
Photo Credit: DarkChildOne/Imgur
Photo Credit: DarkChildOne/Imgur

This deer was captured as it made an oddly high jump over a rather small branch. We assume it was running through the forest and was started by the branch. When a deer is freaked out they can be pretty unpredictable.


Our favorite part about these trail cam photos is that they leave a lot open to the imagination when it comes to thinking about the natural behavior of animals in the wild.


Time For A Rumble!

raccoon ride on the dear
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

The battle of the deer feeder looks intense! That deer only wanted some food, but that raccoon felt the need to try and snatch it out of the mouth of the deer.


We get that trash Panda's will do whatever it takes to eat but literally stealing food from the mouth of another animal is a pretty big extreme. We're pretty sure the Racoon won this fight because they're sneaky and often persistent.


Cougar Versus Bunny There Will Be Only One Victor, It's The Cougar

time for dinner for this cougar
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Cougar versus bunny. It's really not a "versus" situation, with the cougar this close to the bunny we're assuming a fulfilling meal was had within seconds of this trail cam capturing the chase just seconds before it got heated.


On the other hand, maybe the bunny was close to a hiding place where it could escape from danger. Nah, we're pretty sure this ended quickly and there is now one less bunny hopping around.


This Otter Was Hungry

eating otter in the dark
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

This otter was digging into some kind of fish and chose to eat directly in front of a strategically placed trail cam


.We swear this otter knew the camera was located a few feet away and put on a show. We can't tell if the trail cam was placed in the wild or was located at some type of zoo or wildlife preserve. Either way, those Otter eyes in the dark are creeping us out.


"My Friend Found His Trail Cam Destroyed, As If Someone Had Stabbed The Lens"

bird eye attacked the cam
Photo Credit: Velfar/Reddit
Photo Credit: Velfar/Reddit

This was the last picture captured on one trail cam that was shared on Reddit. As you can see, this bird didn't take kindly to people putting surveillance on her home.


A few pecks from that giant beak and the cam was done for. The bird probably felt accomplished after bringing forth the swift destruction of the trail cam. Honestly, if someone was spying on our home with a camera we would probably act in the same fashion.


Howling Into The Night

screaming wolves in the night
Photo Credit: too_funny/Reddit
Photo Credit: too_funny/Reddit

This pack of wolves stopped directly in front of a trail cam and began howling at the moon. It's not a sight we normally get to see in the wild since they are skittish around humans.


It probably sounds terrifying if you're out camping and hear them doing this. Luckily, it doesn't look like any humans were around to witness this event. On a lighter note, it almost looks like they're having a big laugh.


Tumbling With The Weeds

tumble deer at night
Photo Credit: mike garrett/Pinterest
Photo Credit: mike garrett/Pinterest

First, we had a barrel on top of a deer; now, we have a tumbleweed joining the fun. This looks like it could be a real hairdo for the animal, but one that it wouldn't like too much.


The cam caught the perfect reaction for something like this. It looks like the deer is in shock and demanding that someone help take that tumbleweed off their head. The scary part is, what if that isn't a tumbleweed?


Okay, This Isn't Funny

creepy figure in the night
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

A trail cam can sometimes get blurry from the particles in the air and other environmental factors. You would hope that was the case with this image, but we can't be too sure.


If that's not particulates interrupting the normal functioning of the trail cam, we probably don't want to know what type of terror has been unleashed upon the earth. Sometimes trail cams are beautiful and sometimes they give us endless nightmares.


Everyone Gets Water!

raccoon watering friends
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Raccoons are pretty smart. People don't give them enough credit, but aren't they the ones that always find a way to get your food and apparently a drink of water from an unlikely source?


For this trail came, one Raccoon figured out how to give the rest of the crew some water. And this is why you need to secure your food really well when you're on a camping trip.


Eating In The Snow

eaitng in the snow for the cougar
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Judging by the bones on that animal, this cougar probably found the remains of something already eaten and was a bit jealous that it hadn't taken down the large prey that now lays bare on the ground.


We're a little creeped out by the fact that the big cat is staring directly into the camera lens, almost as if to say, "leave this year or the next pile of bones will be yours." Just kidding, but not really.


The Attack Of The Squirrel

squirell attack from the sky
Photo Credit: Ed Robinson/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Ed Robinson/Pinterest

Seriously, what is up with these crazy squirrels jumping out of trees and going after deer. The more trail cams we see with this outcome, the more we want to avoid the forest at night.


We don't know if the squirrel was attempting to attack the deer or if it was jumping over the animal. Just remember, animals that are normally skittish but decide to attack may have rabies and that's an even more scary situation than just being bitten or scratched by a small tree-dwelling creature.


Raccoon And Hog Find A Fishing Pole

finding a pole and catching a ride
Photo Credit: jajison/Reddit
Photo Credit: jajison/Reddit

What's up with all these animals hitching rides on the back of other animals? Is there a secret ride-share evolution going on in the animal kingdom that we don't know about yet?


Whatever the case is, these two managed to uncover a fishing rod. They also found another friend right under the fence. Maybe the raccoon recruited the hog to help it find the friend! That would be a cool story.


Someone Got A Little Frisky

licking the head of a deer
Photo Credit: Baggydeer/Reddit
Photo Credit: Baggydeer/Reddit

The dear in the background doesn't care that it's on a trail cam, it's going to lick its friend's ear in a public display of affection we hate to see among our fellow human beings.


Now we can't stop picturing these two deer running off to be alone, away from the herd to find a quiet place to call their own. Yes, we realize we just turned this into a deer love store, we can't help it, we're hopeless romantics.


"My Cam Finally Caught Something Cool"

sneak attack from the cougar
Photo Credit: elfmachine100/Reddit
Photo Credit: elfmachine100/Reddit

Yeah, this is pretty cool! Seeing a predator on the hunt from this angle isn't something you get to witness very often, if at all. That other poor animal had no clue what was about to happen to it.


Take note of how the mountain lion stretches out in a way that gives it an advantage when it's time to pounce. It's almost like a spring getting loaded before launching something off of it.


"Caught Something Interesting On My Trail Cam"

a talk between friends
Photo Credit: whatinthesafe/Reddit
Photo Credit: whatinthesafe/Reddit

You're darn right you caught something interesting on your trail cam! It looks like this Reddit user caught two deer in the middle of a confrontation of some kind, either that or their aliens disguised as deer.


The confrontation looks borderline creepy. There's a good chance these two are about to have a quick fight. If you are ever face-to-face with a deer and one of them stands up, get out of the way or you might end up with a hoof hitting you in a face.


"Motion sensor camera behind my parents' cabin snagged this gem..."

say hi to the squirrel
Photo Credit: btlb/Imgur
Photo Credit: btlb/Imgur

What was this squirrel attempting to do here? Did it belly flop on the camera and then leave the scene, or was it trying to pose for it? This Reddit user definitely captured a surprising shot, whatever is going on.


Squirrels are some of the most interesting animals in the wild. Their speed and agility make them fun to watch when you're out in nature. They also tend to do clumsy things sometimes, and that makes them even cuter.


What Do We Have Here?

raccoons on the floor for whatever reason
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

It looks like these raccoons broken into a deer feeder, emptied all of the food, gorged themselves on their bounty, and then needed a nap after a successful hunt for food.


We can't think of another creature on this planet that will lay on top of their food and take a nap. We guarantee these raccoons when right back to eating more food when they woke up from their post-buffet nap.


Someone Wanted To Relax

deer inside of a feeder
Photo Credit: holly crow/Pinterest
Photo Credit: holly crow/Pinterest

We're pretty sure this deer got stock in that wood and its buddy stopped to think whether anything could be done to free their friend from its current predicament.


If a cougar were to arrive on the scene when this happened, you can bet that deer would've found a way out of that thing in a heartbeat and their friend would have gotten a head start on fleeing the scene.


"Don't Mock Me!"

A strong attack
Photo Credit: Aspen Winter/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Aspen Winter/Pinterest

This is what happens when you mock an animal with dangerous horns. At any moment, you can become a skewer and no one will be able to help. Thankfully, that isn't a real animal!


A Reddit user posted this photo of the plastic animal stuck on the antlers. It's trail cams like this that make us wish we could communicate with animals to understand what they were thinking at the time of their accident.


A Skip And A Hop

hopping deer with raccoon
Photo Credit: Jessie Anne/Pinterest
Photo Credit: Jessie Anne/Pinterest

While the raccoon sits there without a worry in the world, that deer hopped about two feet into the air like it was a human who just saw a mouse.


If the raccoon was smart, it probably ran away to avoid a royal stomping. If that didn't happen, there is now one less raccoon walking around in that forest. It's amazing how many skittish deer we've already spotted jumping several feet into the air.


Off To Hogwarts!

off with the cat
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

The owl was on the way to Hogwarts before it remembered that it needed to bring a cat with it. As it passed over the forest, it located this precious kitty and swooped!


Kidding aside, poor kitty! Sometimes we forget how powerful owls can be and picking up a cat that probably weighs close to 10 pounds is a testament to an owl's strength. We didn't even know owl's liked to eat cats.


It Knew To Say Cheese!

say cheese deer!
Photo Credit: cschaendorf/Instagram
Photo Credit: cschaendorf/Instagram

For whatever reason, this deer knew to pose for the camera! It might not be the prettiest smile, but it has a charming look to it. Maybe the tongue sticking out is what makes this so great.


We have a feeling this deer just wanders around the forest finding trail cams so they can mock the cam owners. They will never be hunted because they are the hunter. That's a scary thought.


Time To Combine Powers!

flying animals in the snow
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

Seriously, do these big birds really have no qualm about trying to pick up animals even a human couldn't lift? Maybe the big bird just wanted a little taste and swooped down to grab some meat with its talons.


The look on this deer's face lets us know the deer quickly realized it was in trouble. Sometimes the circle of life is both brutal and kind of cool to witness at the same time.


This Fox Found A New House

fox finds a hiding place
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

How lucky is this fox? It stumbled upon an abandoned car, but now it has somewhere safe to hide and live. If it wants to have kids, it can have them in the backseat of this car!


You saw the fox feeding its offspring earlier in the open, so this would be a welcoming difference for the cute and furry animal. It better hope nothing else bigger and scarier corners it in the passenger seat though.


Good Luck Trying To Take Your Meal Home

eagle finds food for the night
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur
Photo Credit: obedienceispatriotism/Imgur

The way this eagle has pinned this animal down on the ground, it looks like it was a clean tactical strike.


Upon closer look, you can see that it's a deer with large antlers. The strategy it used to take down this larger animal was probably flawless. One false move and you get stuck by the horns. We'd be even more impressed if the bird managed to fly the deer back to what would need to be the world's largest nest.


A Reverse Magic Trick

bunny hop into a hat
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

Rabbits are supposed to hop out of a hat, not go back in them. This might not be a hat but it looks like one on this cam during the night.


This rabbit probably had some food hidden away in that black object, or it was trying to hide from something. Why else would it willingly go inside of that thing, unless it was for fun? Maybe wild rabbits enjoy looking for fun times when away from prying eyes.


Someone Help This Cat!

on top of the wood
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

This cat probably feared for its life if it sat up there. Little does it know, it can probably outrun those deer and find safety elsewhere. They probably won't stalk it much longer.


If they did choose to stand under it all night, then you can call those some dedicated animals. That wild cat had no desire to get down and face what would happen, but it probably could have tested the waters.


Strike A Pose, Bear!

turn around bear for the picture
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

Not only did this bear strike a pose, but it also pulled off a pretty good one. He looks like he's ready for his Hollywood debut if we're being honest.


As cute as it might seem, don't let this image distract you from the fact that these animals will tear you apart in seconds, and won't even think twice about it. Bears are some of the scariest animals to run into while in the wild.


Bat Meets Deer

bat with deer in the open
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

By the looks of it, this deer has never seen a bat before. It's sticking its head out in a cautious way, as to not disturb the flying creature. The bat still flew away but that's was a close encounter.


If this were a SyFy movie, that bat would bite the deer and become a creature with four legs that can fly and run as fast as the wind. Thank goodness vampires aren't real...


This Deer Isn't Having It

get off my grass says the deer
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

For some reason, this deer needed to make a point. Mouth open wide, this deer yelled at the others and also pointed in a particular direction. You would have no choice but to listen if you witnessed this.


Perhaps it's territorial and instructing strangers to get off that grass because it isn't theirs. Whatever is going on here, it isn't something that you see often from this animal at all.


"Oh Look, A Camera!"

two little bambis
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

These two Bambi look-a-likes saw the camera and needed to spice things up. Their poses are pretty good, but they aren't as great as the bear you saw turned around earlier.


If these were humans, the deer that has their eyes closed would ask the camera person for a new photo. Who likes pictures where your eyes are closed? The other deer probably would love the way this photo came out because he or she looks good.


What Kind Of Bird Is This?

weird bird staring at you
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

Why does this bird look like it wants to fight you for not feeding it on time? This little thing has the stare of a crazy person, and it's a bit unpleasant to stare at.


It probably noticed the camera and needed to analyze it before making the next step. At least it didn't poke it to death with that beak. As we've seen, some of the birds who encounter trail cams are not exactly happy to see the man-made devices.


Sticking Out The Tongue

tongue out on this deer
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

Sticking out your tongue is the best way to pose for a picture when you don't know what to do. This deer definitely didn't know how to act when it saw the camera!


The classic tongue out move never gets old and is even better when it comes from an animal like this. If only they all knew how to do it on command, that would make the world a slightly happier and sillier place.


There Was A Meeting

night meeting with the deer
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

For some reason, these deer needed to have an emergency meeting. No one knows what they talked about, but you can guess it had something to do with food or that pesky coyote who won't leave them alone.


All they need to do is team up so they can take out any threat, instead of running away like they can't defend themselves. Maybe that was the discussion they had. That's also a terrifying thought.


Having A Nice Stand

standing deer in the woods
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit
Photo Credit: Ottomatica/Reddit

Standing up two feet like this isn't easy for deer. Look at how awkward it looks in this position, and ask yourself how long can it really stand up like that.


That's crazy that the cam caught this thing in action, but imagine this is what all of the deer do when no one is around to see them. If that's the case, you can bet this guy let the cat out of the bag.


This Fox Deserves Some Privacy

some privacy would be nice for this fox
Photo Credit: GodMesh/Reddit
Photo Credit: GodMesh/Reddit

Wildlife in the woods receive the same type of privacy going to the bathroom as children with parents, at least when trail cams are involved. This fox wanted to handle business, but someone had to catch it in the act.


It probably didn't notice the cam, so that's a plus. Out of all the animals caught on cameras, the fox is pretty much the cutest. It even looks adorable while it relieves itself, so that's saying a lot about the adorable animal.


Is That A Spider-Coon?

spider coon hanging on
Photo Credit: iProcione/Pikabu
Photo Credit: iProcione/Pikabu

Can the spider-coon do whatever a spider can? If so, putting the feeder higher up isn't going to prevent it from finding the food. You're going to have to do better than that!


Raccoons are smarter than you think, and this one seems to know some gymnastics. That can only spell bad news for those who like to use deer feeders for wild animals. A raccoon will find a way to get the goods!


Here's A Curious Deer

nice face from the deer
Photo Credit: i2occo/Reddit
Photo Credit: i2occo/Reddit

You've heard of Curious George, well here's Interested Deer. She'll stare at you until you tell her what's going on, and then she might give you a lick or two.


If she doesn't find the answers she needs, the last thing you'll remember is her grim stare. The best thing to do is help Interested Deer find out what's going on, or else. This one only wants to know why this camera is there.


This Bear Must Be Into Yoga

stretching bear in the woods
Photo Credit: Field & Stream/Facebook
Photo Credit: Field & Stream/Facebook

Who is this bear praying too like this? Maybe it isn't praying, but having a nice morning stretch before it starts the day terrorizing the lives of innocent animals in the woods.


You've got to summon a lot of energy to do that daily, so this probably is a stretch of some sort. If it isn't praying or stretching, this bear must be really into yoga. What do you think they are doing? Your guesses are probably better than ours.