Tweets That Prove The Airport Is A Lawless Place
If you've ever been to an airport, you know that it's a very special place. All the things you think you know about society go right out the window, and it's basically every person for themselves.
I understand how dramatic that sounds, but there are some days, some flights, that make you question everything you know.
Do You Think She Got To Take It?

I mean, she does have a point... It is, at that time, a solid. However, TSA is not to be messed with. Honestly, some days I really think they're above the law.
Being Paralyzed By Choice Is A Thing

I always pack so many things in my carry-on to do while I'm on the plane and end up either too motion sick to do any of them, or sucked into those in-flight movies.
Don't Come At Me

If you see me walking around the airport with an appropriately sized carry-on, I don't need to be heckled, or even talked to by anyone. I've just been through some things.
This Is A Smart Idea

Of course, even if this was the case, you know there would still be the chance that the lines would move slowly and it would eventually turn into chaos, as it does.
New Rules Apply

You might as well leave all the things you think are true about you behind when you walk into an airport, because, honestly, you're going to be shocked by what you are capable of.
It's Basically Anxiety With A Lot Of Hallways

No matter how prepared you are, or how early you are, there is always that nagging voice in the back of your mind telling you that you're going to miss your flight.

I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation that has to do with my safety and whatnot, but by the time the plane has landed, I am READY to get off.
It's There, So Why Not?

When you're on a plane or in an airport and they offer you snacks and alcohol, who are you to refuse? This is what you're meant to be doing. It's how they keep everyone from losing their minds.
Not All Heroes Wear Capes

The people you meet on a flight are absolutely bananas. And why is it that you always seem to end up sitting next to the craziest person on the plane?
Fasten Those Seatbelts

The scariest thing about flying is literally that once you're in the air, there isn't really anything anyone can do until you land, and even then. Like, what are you going to about turbulence, drive around it?
It's All A Sham

Paying people to stand around at gates that aren't actually used is exactly the kind of thing that I would expect an airport to do, just to make it that much more aggravating.
We All Know The Type

The least you could do is plug something in so that it at least looks like you're using it. You have so much power when you sit next to the outlets like that. Don't waste it.
Honestly, Yeah

It isn't all the airport's fault. Most of what is so wrong about the airport is due to the people in it—because you're going to experience all kinds of personalities and then some.
An Excellent Question

If you're not wearing your comfiest sweatpants and an old T-shirt while you're on a plane, then are you even traveling? People who wear jeans for an eight-hour flight, just...why?
Flight Times Are The Worst

The thing about asking someone to drive you or pick you up from the airport is that you know you're asking them to throw off their sleep cycle for the next few days.
But They're So Petable!

There is a silver lining to the airport, other than being able to travel, and that is the adorable dogs. Some people are traveling with pets, and some of the dogs work at the airport. Just think about those dogs doing their important jobs, and feel peace wash over you.
There Are No Rules

The airport is the best place to go if you feel like you need to have a drink with your actual breakfast. Ask them to throw some brandy in that coffee—they'll do it.
The Worst Kind Of Person

Don't be that person in the airport who walks so slowly and has their hands all over everything making it impossible for other people to move around you. Just...try and be aware of the world around you.
Because Why Not?

Maybe the woman took a bite out of her chapstick because she was hungry and didn't want to pay $1,600 for a bag of chips and a bottle of water.
Forget Leg Room

For some reason, whoever made planes thinks that humans don't have legs, or if they do, they're very short. However, the seats lean back quite a bit, so that is good, I guess.